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First Addn. To South La Jolla Block 6 Card 1

FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif ELCC):, 6 Block o. (ZC~ 3.l:..,Tri.A.11.It,G c,;ill::.R) Th,,t, the i::uilaing Ins 0 ectcr is inst!'ucted I.OT to i::,sue;:ermits other than allowed in zorE 11A11 until suer time as sectiun is.~z=on...,..e,.d_,,.a"""~r._,,.e_.,,,u""e"""s.,,t...,e.,.d~ .--------------~ Lots 21 i 23- 1ert1it to,{, Scnaffer, o>:ner &.ecn D crown Jr. and Aurelia C brown pur., to re-div into 2 l> 'lr 55 1xll0 1 & con.,t 2 liil:, units on ea., Swly cor Belvedere & I.a,, a] J a. Res!io. 4663 5-17-SO Lot; 5 e~ 7- Permit to C::: Koer, e to ccnst sing f3.rn res 178 s it open i:orch,.'l/o exce:;s cover,:, side Lelveciere, 100 1E of /onte iista.-----"'-' S__ J,..Q.o-~':U,5.______2.~6_-,,50 Lots 22 le 24- Permit tc divide these loLS into 2 uld,~ sites, the 1";;arcel being 60 1 in width & ti1e interior ~3-I'cel 50 1 in width & to cor;str 2 resdiaence,, on ea., to \'inifred 3cri,~s:-;11is, l:, corner > estbOL:rne & La Jolla blvd.,65 1 Lots 2 & 4- Permit to.:.liz. r.unkel c,c Ada 11. Gillispie to cons t sing fcUr. res on::. t the Nr, car estbrnirr,e St &;,:onte /i,s:L.a_llr~es ho 84.0iL____--_fi,c_4~..5J..________------- Lots 13 & 15- AGR.:'::Sij]ENT {1205 to io:ric & Goreen h Ledin- b.r sink 439.celvedere St.-----------------------------------------------'=l.".-':.l...i-62------------------------------ Por Lots 1 & 3- Pennit to sin fem dwell; addn to obs obs 5' street side yard), Zone R-1-5. Richard R, Sipes to constr 9' x 10' service porch for exist 5' street side yard on Monte Vista where 10' is req (ext dwell at 405 Belvedere St. betw Monte Vista and La Jolla Blvd. C-12802 10-18-74 Lots 5 & 7- to exist sin Zone R-1-5 Permit to Constance H & Charles P Hyslop to constr fam dwell; addn to result in 43% cov where max 40% C-13,285 N.H. 8 1 x 15' pa~io addn perm, at 421 Belvedere St. 8-15-75