First Addn. Pacific Beach Vista Tract Block 5 Card 1
FIRST ADDN. PACIFIC BEACH VISTA TRACT BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif Era 'lT AflDITION TO FA;~I ~re BEACH I;,,TA TH.ACT_. Bt.QCK 5 Lots 65 to 69- P,crmit to Susan Truman and Earbci.ra.Peter~on to operate a CARD ff] ol/ C::'".ild Day Care Center in the exist. res. at 945 Archer Street, conitional. Lots 65 to 69- Coral. ext. to rtes. f:o. Feterson (See also C2rd. Ifo. 2) Lots 65 to b9- Cond 11 ext. to,,e:;;, Lo. 4079 to-'usar1 Truman, 945 1\.1cher ~t.__________ rtes l,':'._.5.Q.52..__.. 9-::27:-:-51_ Lots 65-69- Concil. permit to Susan to bld add11 6 1 in vd.dth, & toilet rm at side of bldg in connec, exis1, cr:ild care center, 10 110 11 iearyd & 5 1 711 betw bldgs at 945 Archer.;t. Res No. 4802-=6_-=28='-_5, <-'0~----------- Lots 65-69- Condl, ext. to Res. NU. 5652 to:;usa.11 Truman ABCVE____.1.e;;;_Lo- 6570..._ 6-25-:-;iL__________ Lots 6 5 thru 69- 2 yr. ext. to ~usan ~ruman 1,0 continue oper cf child c:,_recenter:;.t 94.5 Archer:,t., con4itional,;,,o. 8 26 7 7-54 Lot 65 & ,. Lot 66- Permit to L. J. & Etna;. /oley to cons Lruct single fa;:nily residence in h-1 zone, on this l)arcel, fronting on Archer St U7 ft). o-364 4-19-56 E Lot 66, all Lot 67, &: Lot 68- Permit to c;usan Truman to conscruct cii.ngle fa..,'7ily residence on this,arcel with 50-ft. frontage on Archer,.Jt.________________ S-l~---___---~4-:-l'i-j_Q______________ Ely Lot 68, all of Lot 69- Ferrnit to Susan Truman to maintain exist. single,fancily residence on this parcel,,;ith 37 ft, frcntage ou Archer;ot., zone rt-1._. S.-Jf,6___ 4-19 56