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Development Services

Fifth St Addn. Block 6

FIFTH ST ADDN. BLOCK 6.tif FI?'lH STREET ADDITicN BLOCK 6 q. on 4th Ave. DENii1D Elock 6, Lots 24-26-\,--50 1 Private [;orage to the,rop-llne -.- d l~l~ ~t~ 35 &l:'.~:r~~-to Kei:ineth L. &]:je,,tri_ce Alty,to consvruct bedr~~m 11add: t~ ~ve. front of erist. sin f21n r es1dence, aaa. to obs 14 1 0B, (aver of::ilk 18 2) 4~J6 5th q R-4 zone, addition to uatch exi~;t. residem::~-. Case. tt25l.9::---;::;.,;;5t:,-:,;,,;,,,2.::-c.;_5,29_______ Lots 11 thru 16, incl. & 1,ly 15' of 17- DuH.:.iJ pernut to.Lmpe~1al_ c,on~r. L;~ Inc. purchaser and Ivon J. & 'Ciela,:. Parker, owners t~ co1,struct 1.::-~t aft:. or, ~ots 12-15 with parking on Lots 15-17 and rear yd. on Lots 11 ~. 12, at t\ly_1e 0 m: of 4th,,4 z_one. Case lto98_;.:;-9-6J Por & Por P.L. 1118 (proposed Lot l, Swiss Village)- Permit to Hillcrest Development Co to construct a recreation building & swimming pool on vacant lot to temporarily serve existing apartment complex on adjoining lot under same ownership, where such facilities are only permitted as an accessory use to a permitted use on same lot at 4247 Fourth Ave. betw Arbor Dr. & County Childrens' Receiving Home, Zone R-4, condl C-9597 N.H. 11-13-69 \ "-; /.,..-