Fedmart Tract #1 Card 1
FEDMART TRACT #1 CARD 1.tif BEDMART TRACT #1.~ Lot 3- Amusement Slide proposed to be located in the M-l.A Zone, located St., betw Othello St. and Aero Dr. by Sky Slides, Inc., is an enterprise morr obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community enterprises or businesses perm in Section 101.0436. Res 192171 CAR.D #1 on west side Convoy similar to and not than those 11-16-67 / (Parcel 2) Lot 1- Pennit was considered by ZA to FEDMART PROPERTIES, INC., FORMERLY KIM REALTY, INC., owner; and DAYTON-HUDSON CORPORATION, ITS TARGET STORES DIVISION, lessee, to (I) modify existing 60 1 high sign located behind auto center, but fronting on Othello Street, to result in a 14' X 14', 196 sq. ft. sign, 60 1 high; (2a) maintain existing 3' X 57', 171 sq. ft, sign, 12' high for car wash; (2b) maintain one 144 sq. ft, sign, 30' high observing O' setback, both fronting on Convoy Street; (3) modify one existing 144 sq. ft. sign, 30' high observing 0 1 setback on Convoy Street, located at 8001 Othello Street, Zone M-lA. DECISION: (I) DENIED; (2a) APPROVED; (2b) APPROVED; (3) APPROVED, subject to conditions. C-17823 11-19-82 BZA- APPEAL DENIED AS REQUESTED, but the conditions imposed by ZA modified to read: 1. That the existing 60' high ground sign may be refaced, but shall be removed by March, 1983, in compliance with the on-premise sign ordinance; 2, That plans shal 1 be submitted to and approved by the ZA prior to issuance of any permits; 3. that the project shall comply with all requirements of Building Inspection Department. April 4, 1983. / \ ').:.