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Fed Mart Tract #2 Card 1

FED MART TRACT #2 CARD 1.tif,--f- l'Ulln'1'AAV1,,,G f:,)\t's~ ~_ ')-~le,- V\'}\-, =-r- at+P,_,,_. Por Lot 3- Permit to Fed Mart Corporation, owner, and Franchise Interstate Realty Corpora- tion, purchases, to erect two 4.0, sq.ft. double-faced, interior lighted, 3 110" high flentrance-Exittt ground signs obs approx 2 1 SB where 25 1 is req, perm DENIED to erect 223.25 sq. ft. double-faced, interior lighted 24 18tt high ground sn with interior lighted pole and sign obs 121 SB where 25 1 is req on W side on ~onvoy st, 250' S of otheloo Ave, Zone M-lA. Cond 11. C-7819 9-2-66 Por Lot 3- Permit to Fed Mart Corporation, owner, and Chester A. Dorman, lessee, to cons sin story tire repair shop obs O' side yd where 111 side yd is req, on Convoy st petw Othello Ave and Kearny Mesa Rd, Zone M-lA. Cond 11. C-7833 9-2-66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 3. (Parcel D, D.P. ffl.58)- Asst. Z.A. considered the app of The Fed-Mart Corp., owner, & Mobil Oil Corp., lessee, to const comm serv sta with pole of sign encr 7' and edge of sign 10 1 into req 10' landscape strip; one light standard to encr 101 into req 101 landscape strip on Convoy St. & one light standard to encr 10' into req landscape strip on Othello Ave.; with bldg encr 13' into req 13' side yd; with canopy encr 121, pole of sign encr 22 1 with edge of sign encr 25' & with one light standard encr 25' into est 25' SB on Convoy St.; aign & pole also to encr 7' into est 25 1 SB on Othello St., in 7800 Elk Othello Ave., SW cor of Othello Ave. & Convoy St., Zone M-lA, and has DENIED the app as requested, but APPROVED the following: lightstandards encr 25 1 into req 25 1 SB and 101 into req 101 landscape strip; pole of sign to encro 15' into req 25 1 SB with edge of sign encr 21 1 into req 25 1 SB & 6 1 into 10 1 landscape strip; bldg to encro 13 1 into req 13 1 side yd.; canopy to encr 15 1 into req 25 1 SB pump islands must obs req 25 1 SB, Cond 11. Case. Nos. 7838 & 7839