Farley Office Park
FARLEY OFFICE PARK.tif FARLEY OFFICE PARK Lot 1- Permit to Bruce Farley Corporation to erect double-faced, illuminated, free- standing, ID sign, overall height 13'6", face area of eacn side of sign 4' x 8 1 (32 sq. Ft, eacn side)), where signs for eacn street frontage must be attacned to face of bldg and not project above parapet or eaves of bldg and wnere signs may not exceed 3/10 sq. ft. for eacn linear ft. of street frontage (30 ft. street frontagel- at 1521 Hotel Circle, South side Hotel Circle, West of 1-395, Zone CO. c-11386 8-11-72 \! G,