Fanita Rancho, Rancho El Cajon,Unzoned Area Block G
FANITA RANCHO, RANCHO EL CAJON,UNZONED AREA BLOCK G.tif,- FANITA RANCHO, RANCHO EL CAJON, UNZONED AREA BLOCK G__ Lqts 4 to 6 incl. & Por Tracts C & T- Permit to Transcontinent Broadcasting,__ Inc. (KFMB) to erect two 315 1 radio transmission towers, one 301 x 60 1 concrete-bi-oek bldg for housing of equipment, with kitchenette &: bath for intermittent--- use of' attendant; & to erect 6 1 high fencing with barbed wire strands on ext._ arms above, as shown on plans on file in tae Zoning Div, of Plan. Dept., amend---ed to include future relocation of the towers, the future addition to the bldg;- & display of tne call letters, all of tnese items SilOWn on plans, on Woodside Ave. (Mission Gorge Rd.)- adj. east of' Monarch Material Company~ ~-'?-{.,-? Case 4769 3-7-62-_______________,y::______________________________________________________________ Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Grossmont Union High School District to const & opel'ate a high school on a 76-acre site located in the SE corner of Camp Elliott, & Sly of hast Blvd., Interim R-1-40 Zone, condl. C.U.P. Case No, 6)08 3-26-64-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------