Fairmount Commercial Tract (Previously City Heights Blk 46)
FAIRMOUNT COMMERCIAL TRACT (PREVIOUSLY CITY HEIGHTS BLK 46).tif FAIRMOUBT cOMMERcIAL TRACT ((1\lo S- d. \~ \1?> l (Previously City Heignts Blk 46) Z.A. nas considered tne request of Lucky Stores, Inc. and does AMEND to read as follows: (1) to provide 5' landscaping adj to 43rd St, Fairmount Ave and University Ave wnere 10' landscaping is req (2) to provide parking ratio of 2.5:l wnere 3:1 is req {3) to erect one double-faced, lignted, non-revolving sign, 40' x 8, overall neigbt 6o', base of sign to obs 2'4" setback from prop line wtlere 5' is req, overnang encroacning into planting strip wnere no encroacnment is perm. Zone CA. Cond 'l. ~\::t-~Y- g c:L__________________ C-9964___________________!:~!:'!1:_ I, c' \.