Fairmount Addn.Block 34
FAIRMOUNT ADDN.BLOCK 34.tif I F uli:i-llCJ:l~T Wu IT I GI: BLLCK 34 r Lot 27 & the South 15ft. cf Lot 28- Fermit to W. C, & i'lora B. Hasenbeck (Kenneth N. Justice, pm::chaser) to partition an existing garage, making a stge room & slee;:;ing room., approx. 68.6 ft. from front,roperty line, 4212 istrella '.;treet. Lot 27 & the South 15 ft. of Lot 28- Amends Hes Ko. 923 to f.,rmit.C. &?lora B Hasenbeck & K.i.;. Justice c: 3 ft. by 5 ft, clothes closet in "Lhe SE corner of exist. glr. at 4212 Estrella,,t., g,r. being approx. 68,6 ft. from front prop. line__ in._c_onjW1ction with. sleeping room_ in same bldg..-ies Lo 989 6-2:C:-45 Lot 27 & S 15 1 Lot 28- Condl pe,mit to K,; & Bertha M Justice w enbrge kitchen, por of res having 1 1 sideyard, add to maintain re sideyard, 421:C l:..strella. Res Nc,~-4645_ 5-3-50 Lots 37 & 38- Condl per'lllit to Herman varlson tc const res observir,g 15 1 SB on istrella, where 17 req., ~t 42S2 ~strella R-4 Case Ko. 1491 11-1-57 Lots 39 & 40, Map 1035- Permit to RONALD JAMES DUPUIS to construct & operate an elderly housing project located on the W side of Estrella Ave., between Trojan & Oranges Avenues, R-600 Zone. CUP 383-0863 1/19/84