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Development Services

Fairmount Addn. (Tract 1368) Block 44

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. (TRACT 1368) BLOCK 44.tif FAIH.HCJUNT BLOCK 4,4 Block 41+, Lots 45 to 47- Permit to, . l.i. Loore, 4328~-46th St., to conduct an Auto-'-'ourt of 10 units. Res. 68788 l-2J..-j9 Lots 19-23- l-'ermit tc ,;orld i)evelopment Go. to construct 2-story 20-unit a~t. bldg furnishing off-street parking obs. 13 1 front face of curb where 18 1 is re,.; on \iinona Ave. betw E.C .blvd anc.:L'rojan Ave. '"'one '-4, cond 'l_________........................ Case 8947.... 11-1-faL_____ Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Paul Nielsen and Ehart Osted to maintain exist wood fence on north property line ranging in height from 6 1 to 8 1 6" where max 6 1 ni fence is perm at 4354- 50th St betw El Cajon Blvd and Trojan Ave. Zone R-4. C-10470 N.H. 4-29-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- East Por of Lots 24 & 25, Blk 44, Map 1368- Permit to Hung Due Nguyen & Hien Due Nguyen to eonstr a]-story 8 1 x 19' BR addn to exist SFD to obs a 12 1 RY where 15 1 is req; on 4304- 50th St., Zone R-3A. Case 17322 N.H. 7/9/81