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Fairmount Addn. Tract 1368 Block 41 Card 2

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. TRACT 1368 BLOCK 41 CARD 2.tif FAIRMlli11T TRAC~ 1368 Blook 41 Lots 55-56- Perrni t to? H.,:organ to canst motel 12 1 rear yard & w side 52nd, 125' s of f.l Cajon. Res Ko. 4720 & J.i7Gl CARD #2 7~ setback, 5-31-50 Lots 55-61- /.es Prop Use to F. H.},organ, above, to canst 24-unit motel, cond 11-----------------------~rl.=e=s~h.Q_.___l...~?~;..=> 2.._______ ~2-__,_,)l.,__-_5=0.._______ Lots 52-54- to Harold D, & Gladys L. Jewell to erect 8 units & 7 gar with 59% cov & 11 1 access, i,f side 52nd St., 175' 0 cf I::l Cajon Blvd.--------_---------_ B.~s n~. 6019 11-28-51---_--------- Lots 52-54- Iermit to Harol.d D & Gladys L. Jewell to erect 8 unit & 7 gar with 0 1 SB, liv quarto have req SB, 'ti side 52nd 0t., 175 1 S of El C~jon,i.,....-~--~11~-~2=8_-~Sl~------ci Lots 45-47 & 8 20 ft, Lot 48- Permit to Edgar E. il.sbury & l,argaretta G, Asbury to maintain single i'mnily residence and construct addtional uni ts in future, R-4 zone. S-346_ 2-13~.,..,6~----- Lots 49-51- Permit to Harold D, Jewell to const 8 unit apt cJ.dg with 59% coverage,.. side 52.ud St. 250' S.... oL.11 Gajon Blvd., li-4 Res No. 9429 2-15-56 Lots 49-51- Permit to rfa.rold D. Jeweel to const 8 unit apt bldg & 6 6;,.rages, the gc1r to observe 0 1.:iB, on':' side 52nd St., 250 1 b of tl Gajon.__________________________________ Res l,o_9il0________ 2-_15~6~------ Lots 55 & 56- Permit to F. H. horgan, owner, & Glen Funcheon, lessee, to use_F,rop in R-4 for sales & stor~ge of hcuse trailers in conj with adj commer. prop, on'.i side.___ 52nd St., 125 1 "of:2.1 Cafon blY.d...,,~--4,~on <:l.'l. r?.1;;s No. 9420_2-15~------ Lots 55 & 56- "mendment 942D ABGiE to permit F H,V:organ to use for c:.r sales lot " side 52nd, 1251 S of 1 "ajon Blvd,, cond 11 Case J,o. 7J2 8-15-56