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Fairmount Addn. Block 45 Card 2

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 45 CARD 2.tif fA(RMOUNT ADDITION (TRACT 1368) BLOCK 45 Lots 16~17- Permit to Joseph & Mary Piscopo to line obs 0 1 side (3 1 req), coverage 62% total. C-4167. 6-16-61. const 17'x42' carport on rear & side prop 4313 49th Street. Zone R-4. Conditions. Lots 18-19- Permit to Charlene Larosse and Gary Emblem to const a 23'x17'10" bedrm and den addn to obs 3' int sd yd to res in 53.25% covera..,e. 4311 49th Street bet Trojan Ave. and El Cajon Blvd. Zone R-4. C-12392. 2-1-74. Lots 18-19- Permit to Gary Emblem to convert exs sfd to a res care home for JO persons as licensed by the State of California, Dept. of Social Welfare, at 4311 49th Street bet Trojan Ave. and El Cajon Blvd. Zone R-4. Cond'J. C-12526. 5-1-74. ~ 3-//- 70 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Robert L.. & Juanita Hartson to convert an conversion to obs 3' int sd yd at 4332 Winona Avenue. Zone R-3A. 1-27-77. exs garage to living area; Conditions. C-14518.NH.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------