Fairmount Addn. Block 27 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 27 CARD 1.tif (lb FAIRMOUNT ADDITION TO CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 27 Card #1 (Par 1)- So 10' of Lot 17, all of Lots 18, 19, 20 & No 15 1 of Lot 21, (Par 1) So 10' of Lot 21 & all of Lots 22, 23- Permit to County Properties, Inc, {Par 1) & Wm. & Anna A. Moon (Par 2) to adj lot lines as shown on Plat where apt houses on lot of record are perm; E side of 50th St, 75' No of Polk Ave, Zone R-4. Case No. 6085 10-23-63 So 10' of Lot 17, All of Lots 18, 19, 20 & No 15 1 of Lot 21- Permit to County Properties, Inc. to constr two- 4 unit apt houses w/parking as req but w/no 3' hi solid fence around parking area & no landscaping betw parking lot & front PL as req; 4115- 4121- 50th St, Zone R-4; Condi. Case No. 6334 3-5-64 Lots 41- 46- Agreement #1211 to Elmer Engelstad & James F. Morton- 2 park spaces on Lot 43 for apt house on Lots 41 & 42; 4172 & 4190 Altadena Ave. 11-30-62 Lots 24 & 25- Permit to Herman F & Bernice M Thomas to const triplex in front of exist res, to be served by JO' access ct where 12' req, 4102 Altadena St., Zone R-4. C-988 2-J-S7 Lots 24 & 25- Case 988 ABOVE amended to perm const of I complete unit & 2 add'l bedrms & baths, making a total of 2 complete units w/2 add'! bedrms & baths.------------ 0 s 4-------------------------------------------------~-9~___________________-23-sz___________ Lot 11- Permit to Betty H. Aase to provide three parkin~ spaces within the req front yard, one space to be 81 011 wide, and to oove landscaping to the rear of parking. 4149 50th Street. Zone R-3A, Conditions. C-15098 NH. 4-21-78,--------------------..-------------------..------------..-....--------------------