Fairmount Addn. Block 23
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 23.tif FAIRMONT ADDN BLOCK 23 W2 lots.::5 oc.:6- Fermi t to E.F. Leon to const bl-,g for contr I s stge in 11 C11 zone N side Univ at J\lley W 49th Res. ii68286 9/27/38 Lots 43 & 44- W.A. FuJler to const sing fam res, making 3 units with 4 1 3" access to 9 1 access into 16 1 access to stret, at 4072 491:l st. prov 3 off-st. pkg S,Paces tained Res. Ho. 5236 l/lD/51}-~_-; leading are r:ialn- Lots 14 & 15 to Paul R. Trudell to const tool sLed for the storage of r-ar 1nd small tractor. AGEBMENT #467-6/21/47' Sl ....