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Development Services

Fairmount Addition To City Heights Block 19 Card 2

FAIRMOUNT ADDITION TO CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 19 CARD 2.tif Fairmount ~ddition to gz Heights Lots 25 thru 28- Permit to owners, & John Michelli (Balboa Baking Co.), lessee, & Richlardi Enterpris~s, Inc., proposed 'essee, to extend & amend C-2355, granted 3/23/59, subseauent amend & exterl:I, whic': permit oper of 'I bakery with 6 employees, & now request amend to permit man of 25 emp:'oyees working in shif+s and eYtension of time to J/23/74- on!3 65 1 of E 75' of Lots 25- 2P, Blk 19, Fairmount,ddn, at 4678, 4680, 4686 Univ \ve, Zone C; & after consid has granted request with cond CASE No. 2355 7-30-68