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Development Services

Evelyn Terrace Card 4

EVELYN TERRACE CARD 4.tif EVELYN TERRACE #4 "" Lot 1- AMENDMENT- Case No. 8959- Permit installations of ornamental grill and promenade grill, subject to 6 conditions, to Lee Bartelle; 2101 Hotel Circle. Case No. 8959 (N.H.) 4/17/69 Portion of Lot 1- ZA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 40 ft. high sign contain- ing 400 sq. ft. the variance request of CIRCLE 7-11 INN to (1) maintain a 63 foot high, 467.8 sq. ft. ground sign where a 40 foot high, 300 sq. ft. ground sign is the maximum permitted; and (2) observing a 5'-8" setback where 20'-0" is required by Mission Valley Planned District Ordinance, located at 2201 Hotel Circle Sou,:h, MV-CO-CV zone (Mission Valley Planned District), 40-foot Height Limitation Zone. Conditions. Case No. C-20839 10/11/91 Portion of Lot 1- BZA MODIFIES the decision of the ZA to APPROVE a 50'-0" high sign containing 400 sq. ft. to consider the appeal of RICHARD A. RUBIN represent- ing applicant to maintain a 61'-0" high, 467.8 square foot, double-faced, freeway oriented ground sign where a 40'-0" high, 300 sq. foot, double-faced, freeway oriented ground sign is the maximum permitted; said sign observing a 4'-2" street yard where 15'-0" is required, located at 2201 Hotel Circle South, MV-CO-CV zone (Mission Valley Planned District), 40-foot Height Limitation Zone. Conditions. C-20839 12/4/91