Evelyn Terrace Card 2
EVELYN TERRACE CARD 2.tif EVELYN TE!iRACE Card #2 "' 9' VPor Lot 1 (Parcel A,D.P. 98) Permit to i.;ircle::;even-Eleven Inn to erect one 2 1 x U 1611 sihg faced, interior lighted sign for Ricky's Rest. & 1 1011 x6 11 neon lighted cocktail sign to be installed on the face of the building beneath existing sign, where wall sing designating principal useo of the premises may not exceed 80 sq ft at 2181 W. Hotel Cir betw Morena Bl & 6th st. Ext. Zone R-5- Al Sheren, Lessee_______________________,,,..,,..,..._.s~9..,,,o.... a_J____.1...,..o-li-6~~a-------- Lot 1- Permit to Lee Bartell to eliminate 101 landscape st.rip on west side of propert7 where a 101 landscape strip is req to completely surround a permitted. use- Parcel B (D.P. 98) at 210l Hot.el Circle, Zone R-5 cond 1l..__.C-8959 H.H._ ll~19-68_ Lot l, Par B (D. P. 98)- Permit to Lee Bartell to erect 1 dble-faced, interior lighted grnd ID sign 312 sq ft in area & 74' above grnd surface, encroach 15 1 into 25 1 estab SB where a sign not over 100 sq rt in area & 40~ in hght designating principal use of the p.remi.ses only sperm, at 2151 Hotel Circle, R-5 Zone, condl anu..--rt-d., /.27:,;:;,o2-~~-:,_ '---SD '3 c-a 11-21-68 an(~- ~ (]- r; ~~l:;1-~ Lot 2- Permit to Valley Enter. Ltd to construct service stat. pump island canopy to observe 15' SB & J light standards obs~ 0 1 SB where 25' SB is est.ab (C-8981} & to constnict serv stat in the f'rnt por of' the lot with direct access to the str as a use incidental to proposed apt. hse dev on the remainder o! the lot,xw- when sen stat is perm as an accessoey use but required to be maintained in the rear 25% of the lot with no direct access to a street. condl R-5 Zone C~81 & 8982 11-22-68