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Development Services

Evelyn Terrace Card 1

EVELYN TERRACE CARD 1.tif 11/EL'ffl TERRACE V Por. Lot 1 (Parcel "A" D.P. 98)- Permit to Circle Seven-Eleven Inn to complete const ot motel and: (1) Erect one double-faced, interior lighted, 546 sq. rt.. ground ID sign, 61 1 above ground surface, encro 25 1 into req 25 1 landscape area with edge of sign obs 0 1 and post obs 9' SB where 25 1 SB is estab and a 100 sq. rt.., 40 1 high sign designating principal uses of the premises is perm; (2) Erect one5' x.36 1 interior lighted root sign tor "Ric)rya" restuarant where one wall sign designating perm principal uses of the premises is perm; sign must not exceed 20 1 x 4' max not exceed.3/10 ot a sq. rt.. for each lineal rt. or st frontage or the premises, which ever is the lesser area, at 2181 W. Hotel Circle betw Morena Blvd. and Sixth st. Ext., Zone R-5, Condl. Appealed by Josiah Collins and DENIED 11-16-67 Case No. 8.329 9-29-67--------------------------- ----------------Por. Lot l (Parcel "A" D.P. 98)- request of Circle Seven-Eleven Inn TABLED to complete const of 178 unit motel with 3000 sq. ft. of eating, dancing and area for serving of drinks furnishing 213 parking spaces where 228 parking spaces are req, at 2201 Hotel Circle South between Morena Blvd. & Sixth st. Ext., Zone R-5. Case No. 8379---------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 2 &.3- Request of Valle7 Enterprises, Ltd., Te> wn & Countey Developaent Co., TABLED to conat J-stoey, 240-unit apt complex furnishing 3.30 park a paces plus 120 tandem park spaces, where 480 park spaces are req with 15 park spaces in estab 25 1 SB & to eliminate req 101 landscape strip in estab 25'-SB adj to reservation for future ALLEN STREET where parking is not perm in estab SB and a 101 landscape strip completely around permitted uses 1a req, in 1900 blk Hotel Circle betw Highwq 395 & Interstate 5, Zone R-1. Case No. 8651 8-26-68