Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 4 Card 2
EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 4 CARD 2.tif CARDl!t.@ Mt Lot 4- Carl J. Jlanaen to constr up to ll addnl trailer spaces, E side Pacific Ki way. Rea. No. 6124 1-23-52 AMDD to add 3 addnl trailer spaces Res. No. 6332 4-2-52-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1'f Lot 4- AMDD Res. Noa. 5650 & 5014 to add 20 trailer spaces. Rea. Boa. 6700 & 6705 8-6-52 AMEJID- Carl J. Jlanaen trailer park "Teepee" as to Itema l tbru 3 only. Res. Nos. 7015 & 7016 11-26-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!ft Lot 4- Penait to Carl J. Jlanaen to build & operate sales of'tice & demonstration-spaces tor sale of house trailers, & sale & rental luggage trailers, 6535 Pacific_____!!!!l!.~-~?:~!!~-~~-!!~~-Q!!!~~!--------------~!!:.!~!.7~----!:!:2~---------- Por Lot 4- Permit Norman J. & Floy B, Allen, Owner, & Vernon E, Taylor, Leasee, to conatr cClllllll blda & parking f'acilities on NE corner Bunker l1ll & Pacific lliway, Zone C & R-4; Condl. Cue Mo. 1498 11-8-57 6 mos ext 6-12-58 6 1110 ext to expire 5-22-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 1'-- Norman J. & Floy 11. Allen, Owners, & Vernon E. Taylor, Leaaee, to conatr camnl bldga v/0 1 side & rear yda, bldgs extend into R-4, NE corner Bunker 11111 a. Pacific lliway; Condl. Cue No. 1534 11-8-57 6 mos ext 6-12-58 6 1110s ext to expire 5-22-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por w Lot 4- Permit Edgar N. & Evelyn P, Thompson, OWnera, & Manuel U, 'l'arl.ov, Purchaser, to maintain exiat 72 unit trailer park on 6535 Pacific Riway; CondlJ Zone R-4. C.U,P. Case No. 2844 5-ll-6o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------