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Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 22

EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 22.tif EURl!XA LEMON TRACT Lot 22 Permit to Marcy c. Baker, by R. H. Baker, 842 Rosecrans to constr riding stable w/ma:x 20 horses, near Balter St &Morena Blvd. Res. No. 73701 3-25-41--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ext. of 2 yrs to above Res. No. 253 3-25-42 Ext. subj to cond to comply within 90 days Res. No. 890 3-29-45 ~!-~!-~!!:_!~!-~~L-~~~~!----------------------~!!:.!~:-~1~--------------~=!!:~7_____ (Posted on Lot 21- Lot 22 has been subdivided to Bay Park Vista No. l- A.E.T. 2-13-63}