Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 1
EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 1.tif LO'? l ~~-1105 Por Lot l- Permit to Dr, John & Mary K. Robuck to (c-5660) conatr &>-unit apt projectJ parking area to project to front PL as per plans; property not having full uaable st frontage (no acceH rights to st on eut, south, & only 140' on west) where.:tall et frontage is req & no parking pem closer than 3':from PL, AND (c-5661) conat:r swilll pool observ approx Ji.' setback from Jlivay 101 & access rd in conj w/proposed 80-untt apt project as per plans, where 15' setback is req; AND (c-5662) constr 3' bi.Jsolid fence (req around park area) on top of ret wall ranging from 2' to 5'4" hi obaerv 0' setback; all as per plans, on J: side Pacific Jliway, approx 250' S of Rosewood St; Condi; zone R-4. case Bo. 5660 Case Ro. 5661 cue No. 5662 5-13-63 6 mos. Ext. to Exp. 5-13-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------