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English Village Subd Card 1

ENGLISH VILLAGE SUBD CARD 1.tif:IICLID TI:LLAG:1 SUB. 6DJJ4 s:J.41/,-/~85 r Lota 21-25- Setback at leaat 10':rrc:a:tront PL- Pel'llit to Lawrence Burdick. Rea. Ko. 49446 3-18-29 Lot 2l- Build a res, aetback 7' RuahYille St, 10' on Draper st. Rea. 50077 5-13-29-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 26- Pel'llit to w. H. Roae- Dwell Within 10' of PL on Fern Glen. Rea. o. 57972 2-8-32----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 24- Permit to Susannah & Godfrey Tudor to const 2-story duplex result in approx 43% cov, 735 Rushvi I le St., a> ne R-2, cond 1 I. c-771 o 5-1 7-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 8- Permit to Robert L. & Cheryl L. Newsome to constr a 2nd story addn to an existisgl famCdwell; support post for 2nd story to obs a 3'-6" interior side yd where 4' is req at 324 Rushville St, Zone R-2. C0ND'L C-13,795 NH 7-21-76-Lots-29-&-30-Permit-APPROVED-by-ZA-to Frank-C.-Winter-&-Joy-0.-Winter-to-constr.-a-beoroom addt. to an existing SFD (l)addt. to obs. 4 1611 rear yard where 15' is required (existing bui I ding observes a 4 1611 rear yard); (2) maintain 8 1 high comb. fence & wal I obs. a 0' rear yard where max. 6 1 high fence or will is permitted in the requ 15' rear yard; (3) one 17-'X8 1,l?arking space where 20 1 X8' is required, (cond) at 704 Fern Glen La Jolla {2-22':?-if//. & 1-So c16709 5;231ao (0