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Development Services

Encanto Lot G Card 1

ENCANTO LOT G CARD 1.tif ENCANTO LOT "G" West of West- Cond.l. permit to Walter c. & Elizabeth A. Rowell to erect single fa.m dwell located on Detroit St westerly of Patten St._______________________________________________________________ Res._2315________ 6-19-47____ West of East- Pennit to Leo & Aiko Owashi to constr single fam res on parcel 165 1 x 660 1, No side of Detroit St, west of Patten St, providing 10' easement is granted to City for widening of Detroit St. Res. No. 2751 12-31-47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W~- of the w of lot G ~ Walter c. RoweJl u. Elizabeth,\ Rowell dwelling on the a)aove described parcel of land and have applied petition #4893, dated June '1, 194 7. AGIL'SFlili'.IT 4468 to erect a new s tng f,n for a zone variance under 6/21/4? E of the W" of lot G- Arthur Johnson to mmre in 'l.nd main.... ain a sing fam res on por of orfr lot '3.nd have applied for a 2one rariance under petition 44739, dttted April 22, 1947 AGREElIBW:' l/458 May 14, 1947 Lot G, Parcel 10- AGREEMENT to James E. C. Williams to construct a rm addn to his res with bar sink in fam rm at 6316 Skyline Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2289 8/17/77-----------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------