Emerald Hills Estates Card 1
EMERALD HILLS ESTATES CARD 1.tif_,,., EME...'iALD HILLS ESTATES!_ 1ll\S CARD # J Ct Lots 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348- Permit to Bollenb~\er & Kel\on, Inc. to maintain 8 signs in setback area on Kelton Rd, Zone R-2. For 1 yr. to expire 6-3-58 Case No. 1273 6-3-57-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 341- 347- Permit to Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc. to use res on Lot 348 as sales office, & res on above as model homes, & to maintain 8 signs, on Kelton Road._____ Fcr_l_;tr._to_e:JCEire_6-3-28.____________ Case_No._1243_______________________ 6-3-27______; Lot 365- Permit to Michael F. Beaver to constr 6 1 hi fence w/6 1 setback on Roswell St;_____ (10'_re~);_at_971_-_56th_St;_Zone_R-2.____________________ Case_No._1739____ 3-21-58_____ Lot 166- Permit to Harold M, & Cecelia J. Spradley to enclose exist sunshade structure attach to rear of exist single fam res & convert it to a fa'll rm; structure observ 13' rear yd & chimney observ an 11' rear yd where 20' is req; 611 Bollenbacher St. at NE corner of Kenwood & Bollenbacher Sts; Zone R-1-5. Condl. Case No. 6661 8-26-64 Lot 277- Permit to Sanford & Toshiko Syrkett to add dining-rm exten to exist sin fam dwell addn to obs 17 1611 rear yd where 20 1 is req at 5761 Luber st. approx 8 lots east of 57th St., Zone R-1-5 C-9109 N.H. 2-4-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 303- Permit to Rev. Thomas H. & Genevieve McPhatter to constr a 2 story bedroom, study battl & fam room addn to exist sin fam dwell; a.ddn to obs at closest point 12'6" rear yd wnere a> ' is req at 902 Bollenbactler St. betv 57th si:~eli~4Rd , Z~':~-~1-5