Eldorado Unit#1 Card 1
ELDORADO UNIT#1 CARD 1.tif ELroRAro UNIT NO, 1 O()lJ.3~f S:J.:}L/-f1'1 ~(Lots 1 thru 4- Permit to Judson Assoc. to construct single fam res & garage on each lot to be used as model homes, w/saJ.es office in garage on Lot 3; & erect one 3' x 5' sign on Lot 3 designating saJ.es office & four 18" x 24" signs designating models, one sign on ea lot, SE corner CardinaJ. Dr & Redbird Dr, Zone R-1; for 1 yr to expire_____ 1-29-61._(Denied_re~uested_2'_x_3'_signs_on_4_1ots)_____ Case_No._3066_~____ 1-29-60_____ Lot 64- Permit to Winifred I. & Clarence D. Wagner, Owner, & American Housing Guild Sales Corp., Lessee, to erect one 2' x 3' free-standing, single-faced sign back of setback, SWly corner Redbird Dr & Cardinal Dr, Zone R-1; for 1 yr to expire 10-5-62. (N.H.) Case No. 4451 10-5-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Permit to John & Barhara Hardegree to maintain 32' of 6' high solid wood fence obs 7'-1" front setback where max 3' high fence is perm in es tab 12' front yard, at 2095 Redbird Drive between MacJw Lane and Talon Way, Zone R-1-5. /4_ C-12,578 N.H. 4-18-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------