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Eldorado Unit# 3 Card 2

ELDORADO UNIT# 3 CARD 2.tif ELDORADO UN!T HO. 3 OOL/713 S J:}J../-J1J9 Card f2 Lot 143- Permit to Jerry D. & Shirley Scherkenback to (1) const a swimming pool on lot with existing sin fam dwell, pool to obs a 6 1 street sideyd where 15' is estab; (2) erect' approx 80' of grapestake fence from 5' to 6 1 in ht obs a 2' SB & (3) erect.50' of concrete block retain wall 5' hi obs a 2 1611 SB where a max 3' hi fence or retain wall is perm in 15' estab SB at 2146 Seagull Lane at the NW cor of Seagull Ct, & Seagull Lane in the R-1-5 zone, condl C-9620 12-9-69