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El Paso Tract Card 2

EL PASO TRACT CARD 2.tif EL PASO TRACT COl41D S d.\D-1717 card No. 2 Lot B- Permit to Charles R. to move or build a res & maintain 2' setback, on W_____ side_of_Qurlew_St_betw_Torrence_&_W_Penns~l~nia.______ Res._No._5472____ 4-18-51____ Lot 43- Permit to Roberta B. Russell to place res on lot w/15 setback (av 2~')_____ E_side_Curlew,_350'_No_of_Brookes.______________________ Res._No._6141____ 1-23-52____ Lot B- Permit to Chas. R. to constr res w/2' setback, 1st property So of_____ 3672_cur1ew_st._________________________________________ Res._No._6146____ 1-23-52____ Sly 15.5 Lot 8, All Lot 9- James A. & Betty Lu Frame to constr 2 single fem res on Curlew St Zone R-2. s-289 3-17-55-----------------L----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7 & Nly 34.5 of Lot 8- Robert & Helen L. Dobbin to maintain single fam res &_____ constr_addnl_single_fam_res_on_Curlew_st;_Zone_R-2._____ s-288____________ 3-18-55____ Lot 9 & Sly 15' of Lot 8- DENIED to James A. & Judy Frame to constr a res w/11 1 4" setback on Curlew St. Case No. 235 6-27-55 Lot 37- Permit DENIED to Mathew & Linda R. Barthel to constr duplex, making 3 units_____ QU_~Qr_Qf_i2t_37&-~t_32Q9_QlJ.r!~~-St&-~2U~-E:~---------E~-~2_9!2!2____ 9:!~:55____ Lot 20- Land Conservation Permit to Robert Buffum for proposed alteration of bedroom,and batn at rear of nouse under existing of overnang at 3520 Curlew St. on W side of Curlew St. betw Robinson and Reynard. 32-LC 6-4-73 Lots 50 & 51- Permit to Mrs. Anne Gorman to replace approx 34' of 4 1/2' high ret wall in 15' fy on Brant St. and to replace and erect approx 25' of 9' high ret wall in req. fy on Godsal Ln at 3670 Brant Street. R-2 and HR Zones. Conditions. C-14262 NH. 3-30-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------