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Eastern Addn. To New San Diego Block 9 Card 1

EASTERN ADDN. TO NEW SAN DIEGO BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif EASTERN ADDITION TO NEW SAN DIEGO BLOCK 9-.-.-i7 CARD #111/1 Lot 9- Permit was consideted by ZA to CAROLYN M. MYHRE to construct a five-story, single- family dwelling: (I) parking and entry deck to observe a 10 1 front yard where 15 1 is re- quired; (2) single-family dwelling to observe a 7' interior side yard where 13' is required for a five-story building; (3) building to result in 38 1-611 height where a maximum 30 1 is permitted; (4) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone, at Bancroft Street, west of Highview Terrace between Ivy and Hawthorne, Zone R-2/HR. DECISION: AMENDED the request and APPROVED as follows: To construct a four-story, single-family dwelling: (1) dwelling to observe a 7' interior side yard where 10 1 is required; (2) to result in a maximum of 33' height where 30' is per- mitted; and (3) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-17844 12-3-82