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Development Services

East Clairemont #4 Card 3

EAST CLAIREMONT #4 CARD 3.tif ,,,,~ ~..r ~..;,p,at,;, " ~ C,, ' " ,..... "' IAS! CLAIRBMOIT lfO. 4 7..40-l7 JI ~e-~~ Lot 541- Permit to James Wayne & Lucy Jo Stephens, as amended, to construct a two-story bedroom & family room addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a rear yd ranging from 16 1 to 17', where a 20' rear yd is req at 4741 La Palma Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9221 4-22-69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 437- Permit to Dr. Thomas J. Ruben to construct 12' x 14' fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1 611 rear yd where 20' is req at 4752 Mt. La Platta Dr. betw Mt. La Platta Pl. & Mt. Longs Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-9356 N.H. 6-17-69 Lot 489- Permit DENIED to James R, & Catherine E. Freistroffer to const 16 1 5" x 20 16" fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 9'7" rear yd where 20' is req at 4929 Mt. LaPlatta Dr betw Mt. Foraker Ave & Mt. LaPlatta Pl., Zone R-1-5, c-10179 11-19-70 LOt 535- Permit DENIED to Robert J. & Irene T. Purdy to constr a 15' x 20' fam room addn with fireplace to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 11' rear yard and fireplace to obs 8 1 6" rear yard, wher 20' is req, at 4801 La Palma Dr betw.Mt. Foraker Ave and Mt. Herbert Ave. Zone R-1-5, c-10348 3-3-71 Above APPEAL DENIED and decision of the z:A. "be and hereby-fs-sus-Ea.fnea and afffrmea. c-10348 4-12-n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------