East Clairemont #2 Card 3
EAST CLAIREMONT #2 CARD 3.tif EAST CLAIREMONT UNIT #2 00 3~,~ S 2, ":> 6- 17 I) 3/ol8.S II-Card No. 3 Lot 283- Permit to Harold R. & Laverne Glaeser, Owners, & J. R. Wiesehan Const. Co., Lessee, to erect and mainta.in for a period not to exceed 1 yr. one l' x 5' sign, single- faced, post-mounted, directional sign observ 5' SB (12' established & max 8 sq ft sign permitted) on Mt. Blanca Dr; at 3996 Mt. Everest Blvd, Zone R-1._______________________________________________________ case #5117_____________ ~:?~:g_________ Lot 283- Permit to Harold R. & Laverne Glaeser, Owners, & J. R. Wiesehan Const. Co., Lessee, to erect & maintain for a period not to exceed 1 yr, one l' x 5' single-faced, post mounted, directional sign observing 5' SB (12' established & max 8 sq ft sign permitted) on Mt. Blanca Dr, at 3996 Mt. Everest Blvd, Zone R-1. Case #5116 8-24-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 299- Fermi t to Mr. Rus.sell G. Tanner to maintain & complete construction of 5' high free-standing block wall observ 3 '8" SB on Mt. Ali fan Drive where 10' SB is es tab, at 4087 Mt. Bross Ave. R-1 Zone. Case No. 5350 1-11-63--------------------L---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 243- Permit to Jesse B. and Martha Loftin, Owners, and C & F Dev. Co., Lessee, to erect & maintain for a period not to exceed one yee:r, one 4 x 2' directional sign advertising homes for sale in new subdivision (Clairemont Park No. 4) at 4112 Mt. Everest Blvd betw Balboa Ave & Mt. Alifan Drive, Zone R-1, Case No. 5572 4-5-63_______ l_;rr,~x1~ns1Qn_1Q_eXP.1re_4-l-65_______________________________________________________ Lot 181- Permit to Stephen & Arlene Hurlburt- to const. 23'7" x 14 1611 family rm addition to exist sin fam dwell; add to obs 18~1" rear yard where 201" is req. on Mt. Alifan Dr. betw Mt. Bagot Ave & Mt. Culebra AVe., Zone R-1-5. C-9289 A,P. "-N'f'(A/,ff.) 5'ltf/6j