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Development Services

East Clairemont #12 Card 3

EAST CLAIREMONT #12 CARD 3.tif j I EAST CLAIREMONT #12 ODJ)~-co ~ s W-1713 Lot 1959- z.A. considered the appl. of Mr. G. M. Shumaker to maintain & erect a total of 22 signs varying in size from 6 sq. ft. to 100 sq. ft. attached to marquee, side, rear & above roof of exist structures, as sown on plans, where all signs are req to be att to the face, with no poojection above the parapet or eaves of the bldg., not to exceed.5 of a sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of st. frontage, max 5' x 25', but ea. sing. place of business is perm a min 15 sq. ft. sign area (See C-6743), and has DENIED the variance as requested insofar as the signs in excess of these prm in the RC-1-A Zone and signs projecting above the roof of exist. structures, but APPR0VlD signs on the rq ors of tl:,te~ajst. bldg. subj. to cpndt. at Nw Cor Genesee & Balboa,ione RC-lA,i-~-~~~-4-J-~..A.-...:2u.d.t~-L----cC.g-i*M-----------~f*4f9~---fJ- --~-1s-r;,s Lot 1959- Permit DENIED Clair 1i. Burgener Co., lessee & G. M. Shumaker, owner to erect one 1 1-9 11 x 10 1 double-faced, interior lighted, identifying sign, 2 1 on top of exist 9 1-811 high block wall where a 15 sq. ft. sign attached to face of bldg is perm (see C-7114) at 5J60 Balboa Ave. at the northwest corner where it intersects Genesee Ave., Zone RC-lA. Caae No. 7591 J/1/66----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1959- Pennit denied G.M. Shumaker,owner, & Louis G. Principe,lessee, to erect 40 / sq ft interior lighted ground sign adv accessory use where max 10 sq ft wall sign adv perm principal use of the premises is perf',said sign to encr 15' into established 15' setback on Balboa Ave where no stnact are per- on Lot 1959, East Clairemont-#12 at 5222 Balboa Ave betv Genesee St & Mr. Everest Blvd., Zone RP-IA Case No. 7597 & 7598 3/8/66