Dotty's C.M Subd. Card 2
DOTTY'S C.M SUBD. CARD 2.tif ~--e.JM C. M. DOTY'S ADDITION OO/f/33-00..Sf\?.,,,~23c.//'95' CARD #2.JI Lot 10- Exe N 65'- Amendment to Res. No. 2517 granted to Mrs. J. A. Crema.ns to permit.J 10' setback from Emeline Street on the parcel at the NW corn of Emeline & Beryl Sts. (Res. in the name of Murray and Wilson, but the request for the 10' SB was made by Mrs. Cremans, present Owner of that parcel) Res. No. 3003 3-24-48 So. 50' of No. 65 1 Lot 10- Permit to Harold B. & Mary June Nicholas to const sing fam res on Emelene St (west side, 170' N. of Beryl) Res. No. 4977 9-20-50 Permit to Harold B. & Mary June Nicholas to const above res with 10 ft. setback Res. No. 5004 9-20-50 Lot 3- Pennit to Stanley H. & Cosette H. Sessions to div East 130' of Lot into 2 bldg sites, ea not less than 6o 1 by 105'- NW corn of Malden & Lamont Sts. Sly 50' of Lot 15 & Ely 114.95 Lot 14 Res. No. 5634 6-27-51- Permit to Fred K. & Virginia T. Pierson to div into 3 parcels with right to cons sing fam res on ea, Emeline St.,R-1. Res. No. 5782 8-22-51 W 100' of Lot 3- Permit to Gilbert E. & Anne M. Love to div 100' x 105' par into 2 bldg sites, N side Malden St, 130' W of Lamont St. Res. No. 6236 3-5-52 Lot 2- Permit to Lotus A. Russell, Harriet F. McCain & Arnold w. Casebere, Owners, & Andrew T. La.Pointe, Fur, to div into 2 par & erect sing fam res on ea, N side Malden St, 230' W of Lamont St. Res. No. 6335 4-2-52