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Development Services

Dos Pueblos #1 Card 1

DOS PUEBLOS #1 CARD 1.tif......., DOS F'UEBLOS #1 ii- l.- li 1.:,- CARD #t ~"I, (;\'0!11'\.. S ro)Q.~,. ~ Lots 20- 26, PUEBLOS DEL RIO, LTD.- To develop property with condominiums on 5'tentative parcels with access to reqd. parking provided as follows: Parking on Parcel 1 accessed via Lot 2; Parcel 2 accessed via Parcel 1; Pascel 3 accessed via Parcels 1, 2 & 5; Parcel 4 accessed via Parcel 2 &3- Map #10312 (Tentative Parcels 1- 5), between Friars Rd. & Rio San Diego Dr., East of 1-805, Zone R-1000. Conditions. C-18336 APPROVED 2/24/84 Lots] & 2 and portion of Lot 25, Request APPROVED as modified by the ZA to request of PUEBLOS DEL RIO, LTD., to erect wall on River Run Drive, Zone r-1000. C-18543 NH 9/10/84 JLotsl- 6 inclusive- ZA APPROVED request of PUEBLOS DEL RIO, LTD.- to develop Lot 6 as a parking Jot for 192-unit complex adjoining with access to parking across lots 1 thru 5 where parking is reqd to have direct access to a street or alley at location between Friars Rd. & Rio San Diego Dr., east of 1-805, Zone R-1000, with conds. C-18849 7/12/85 /Lot 6- ZA APPROVED request of PUEBLOS DEL RIO, LTD. to use lot 6 for reqd off-street parking for aft 8 buildings, 192-unit apartment complex on Lots 1 thru 5; 280 off-street parking spaces to be provided where 278 spaces are reqd & where off-street parking is permitted only ~s an accessory use to a P, 8 rimary use located.on the same property between Friars Rd. & Rio San Diego Dr., east of I- 05, Zone R-1000 with conds. C-18848 7/12/85 Parcel map 14694 was filed & eliminats need for CUP No.18848.Therefore City n-F c::.,.n ni nr. R"R <::rTNnc: c:,ai rl n <> rmi t-_ C-18_84_!L_ 1'}./1/87