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Development Services

Donna Estates Card #2

DONNA ESTATES CARD #2.tif.-_...,..,,._.....---..._,.._ DONNA ESTATES--to,---~.... CARD# 2 '(t Lot 99- Pennit APPROVED by AZA to PHARISEE AND RUTH H. BROOKS to construct approximately 40 1-011 of block wall varying in height from 6 1-011 to 10 1-011 in the interior side yard where a maximum 6 1-011 high fence or retaining wall is permitted, located at 5321 Logan Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18275 NH 11-18-83 Lot 80- AGREEMENT to MARVIN DUNCAN to demolish existing family room and construct a new family room with bath and outside entrance to existing one-story, single-family dwelling, located at 5133 Reynolds Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3327 7-17-85