Diamond Manor Map 5992 Card 1
DIAMOND MANOR MAP 5992 CARD 1.tif D IA~ND MANOR Hap 5992 \9 Lot 3- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to EDUARDO &RENATE MUNEVAR to construct a family room ext. & 1 ibrary addt. to an existing single-family dwel 1 ing; addition to observe a 13 1611 rear yard where 20 1 is required & result in 47'/o lot coverage where the maximum of 40%is permitted at2751 Arnoldson Ave. C16712 5/9/80 Lot l- Permit was considered by ZA to ANDREW KOZLOWSKI to remove the existing 6 1 high solid wood fence on public right-of-way and extending into required 15 1 front yard setback, and relocate entire fence onto private property, observing a 0 1 front yard where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in a required 15 1 front yard; and after consideration of the following finding of facts has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 6 1 high fence observing a 9' setback. Conditions. C.-17561 3-12-82 Lot- AGREEMENT with RICHARD VIDOSIC to constr. 2nd story addn. with ful 1 bath having outside entrance thru first story garage to exisitng SFD at 2833 Arnoldson St., Zone Rl-5000. AGREE #3295 5/20/85 Lot 7- AGREEMENT with Angelika A. Castaneda to construct a one-story addition to an exist ing attached, two-story garage from an existing, two-story, single-family dwelling; said addition consists of a pool cabana with 3/4 bath. South wall is 10.ft. open, located at 6171 Arnoldson Court, Rl-5000 Zone.-----------------