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Development Services

Del Norte To Encanto Heights Card5

DEL NORTE TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD5.tif DEL NORTE ADDITION TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS Card #5 ~ Por Lot 199- Permit to Leon Coats, Sr. to const a 20' carport addition to obs approx a 7' front yard at 6539 Mulberry Street. Zone R-1-10. Condition. C-14816. 12-23-77.--------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 16- Permit to Patricia'.Solverson & Charles Small, Jr. side yard on the east prope~ty 1 ine at 1712 Oriole Street. C-14905 NH. 1-26-78. to main exs sfd obs a 5' interior Zone R-1-10. Condition.-----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 51- Permit to W.L. andA.D. Philips to const a one-story, sfd and garage to obs a 6 1 rear yard. 6460 Springfield Street. Zone R-1-10. Conditions. C-15580 NH. 11-15-78. Lot 72- Permit to William & Fannie Dees at 6328 Tooley St., Zone R-1-10- to constr a breezeway and second story over exist garage; addn to obs a 4' int side yd. Condit. Cl5989 4/16/79 Por Lot 89- Permit to H & H Properties, Inc., at 2146-2156 Oriole St., Zone R-1~10, to constr a SFD on each lot with access to reqd pkg on Parcel 1 over non-revocable easement on Parcel 2 of P.M. 8013 where access to pkg must be over same:lot as use. Condit . C-16210 7/13/79-Po_r_tion- Lot 90, Paree-I #I, P.M. 8650- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Donarcrt. Voooleyto_____ erect approximately 60 1 of concrete block retaining wal 1 \\ 14" high observing a O' interior side yard on the north side where a maximum 6 1 high retaining wall is permitted in a 6 1 interior side yard, at 2136 Oriole Street, Zone R-1-10. CASE 16571 1-11-80