Del Mar Terrace Block 8 Card 1
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif S"~,;. ';) ~ I' 1'!; DEL MAR 'l'ERRACE BLOCK 8 " Lots 21 & 22- Permit to W.E. & Loretta M. Adams to construct a 30' x 22 18" detached one-story gar on lot with exist sin fam dwell, gar to obs 4' rear yd & 2' interior side yd where 20' rear yd & ~ interior side yd are req at 12785 Via Felino, betw Carmel Valley Rd. & Via Latina, in the R-1-5 zont condl C-9273 5-22-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 29- Z,A. considered appl of Marvin H, Pope to erect 3' hi grapestake fence on top of exist 41 hi retain wall in req 15' front yd where lll8X 3' fence ~r is perm & to erect 4' high grapestake frnce on top of existing 4 ' high retain wall behind front yd where maxCo' hi fence or wal.l. is perm at 12746 Via Grimaldi betw Carmel Valley Rd. & Via Aprilia, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED approx 102' of 4' solid fence on top of 4' retain wall along side lot line, beginnning 12' back of front p.l.., per plane on fil.e in the office of Z.D. of the Planning Dept., C-941.2 N.H. 1-16-69 ~~-ii-;.-12-:-h~1t-miii-t~..;,u1-.-kn-iaoii-to-coutr--iufui