Del Mar Terrace Block 12 Card 1
DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif CARD# 1 DEL MAR TERRACE BLOCK 12 Por Lot 46, all Lots 7, 8,' 9- Permit to Harry J. & Mar H. GUl~spie to remodel sing fsm dwell obsv 13 1611 rear yd (25' req} at 2428 Grandview Ave, R-1. Case #2617 Lot 76- Permit to Francis M. & Donna Stagliano to constr a single fam dwell with attached bridge ranging in ht from O' to 10' obs 5' front yd where 15' is req on Via Grimaldi betw Via Latina & Via Torina, Zone R-1-5. c-10779 10-6-71 Lots 71 & 72- Permit to Joel K. & Julie Anne Brownell f'or perm to const a sin fam res with access to parkill?; to be taken from a 101 driveway easement at rear of lot, where access must be from a dedicated st, at 13022 Via Grimaldi bev,/n Via Aprilla and Via Batina Zone R-1-5 C-ll,{389 4-27-73 Lots 73 and 74- Permit to J.S. and A.C. Ifaufman to constr single fam dwell with drive- way ramp approx 12' above ground level at higbest point obs 0 1 front yard at closest point where 15' is req, Via~Grima.J.,di be'twn Via Latina and Via Torina, Zone R-1-5-Cond'l C1o1Ja,095 8-3-73