Del Mar Hills Unit #3 Card 1
DEL MAR HILLS UNIT #3 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HILLS UNIT NO. 3,. 1'' ' '> /1.c'.,' Card #1 1 lot 78- ZA DENIED the request of ROBER!' c. vE'l'rER & SARAH L. COFFIN w~1~-1=ER= for a variance to observe a 8'-0" street side yard where a 10'-0" street sTde yard is required. at 14202 Pinewood Drive Map No. 5963. Rl-5000 Zone. C-20556 6/22/90------------------------------------------- Lot 69- AGREEMENT with Timothy R. Binder and Kathleen J 0 Binder, to construct a basement addition to existing, two-story, single-family dwelling. Addition with exterior and interior access to contain three-quarter bath and bar sink. Located at 14198 Half Moon Bay Drive. Rl-6000 Zone. AGREEMENT /15034 06/25/91--------------------------------------------------