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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 38 Card 1

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 38 CARD 1.tif \ DEL MAB HEIGHTS BLOCK 38 ~~1.. ~ S?CS"'-... I (t"rt (]Md4r (-,:_ ~~....,- Lot 9- Z,A. as considered appl of Roman & Maralyn Benn for permission to const a sin fam dwell with (1) fireplace obs a 13 1611 front yd, where 15' is req and (2) a balcony obs a 3 '6" interior s ideyard wnere 5' is req at 136o6 Durango Dr betv Cordero Rd and dead-end in the R-1-6 Zone and has APPROVED (1) and DENIED (2). C=lOa93 N.H. 1-22-'n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13 & 14- Permot to Joe & lleta Kay Jelley DENIED to permit sin fam res on ea lot containing 4,229 sq. ft. & 4,437.5 sq. f~. respectively where substandard contiguous lots under same ownership may not be separated to create a parcel less than 6,000 sq ft. C-13578 5-7-76 Lot 15 1> ~1f~-i-t to Target Investment Group to build a sfd on a lot containing 4,602 sq.-- ft. Del Mar Scenic Drive. Zone R-1-6. C-14870. 1-l 7-7H..t]Z_,f--,,, <+~-..- 2,t!.,_ a...,:.,:--.------------------------------------------------------------------------ s-s-,'f',--------- Lot 15- Permit DENIED by ZA to WESTERN STATES PACIFIC PINES CORPORATION, owner; STEVE OLAS, purchaser, to construct a single-family dwelling; (1) on lot containing 4,596 sq. ft. which was under same ownership with contiguous lot prior to May 21, 1970; (2) with Floor Area Ratio of.65 where,60 is the maximum permitted, at Mar Scenica Drive, Zone R-1-6. C-17594 4-9-82 Lot 11- ZA APPROVED request of RICHARDS. SMITH to construct a single-family dwelling observing a 5' front yard located at 13603 Mar Scenic Drive, Rl-6000 zone, Coastal Zone, Proposition ''D'' Height Limitation zone with conds. C-20092 11 /13/8C