Del Mar Heights Block 29 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 29 CARD 1.tif-wt: ~=~~~~:~D~~=~o:~t~~~l;;~2~~~21a. bathroom & family room below with bar sink in portion of' family room, and has agreed ~ family room, bathroOJll & garage will a.t no time be used as a second living unit. 13756 Nogales Zone R-1-6. Agreement #1558.. lll.0-,;~71-e1,aa------- Lots 5-7 & 25-27- Permit to Ralph B. & Thelma D. Damon to use said lots as separate bldg sites where lots meet minimum sq footage for R-1-6 but have 50 1 frontage where 6o is req at 13765-77 Vaquero & 13750-64 Nogales Dr. betw Cordero Rd. & Del Mar Heights, Rd., Zone R-1-6. C-10015 8-12-70 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 17 Penait DllllD to J)arr)> l S. JND Jk> Doellf to coaatr a aio tea hell vitb attac:ll pr ob O' f'root yd Vlle:re 15' 1 req aacl o interior 14~ wbere 5' 1 req at 13109 -uuo Dr NW Cordero lld and Del Mar Beipta M. ZCIDe R-1-6. c-1051~ 6-3-n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 28- Permit to L . B. & Delpn,1ne Turner to constr a sin fam res on lot served by private easement, vb.ere access fran a dedicated streetis req; at 13783 Vaquero Dr betw Del Mar Heights and Cordero Roads. Zone R-1-6. c-10598 7-22-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 29- Permit to Grove c. Mosley to maintain sin fam res on lot served by private easement wnere access from a dedicated street is req at 13789 Vaquero Dr betw Del;Mar Bta Road and Cordei'O,,Rcl. Zone R-1-6. C-10907 12-8-71 Lo-ts21-"&22:.-pe"rm1r1:c,vTc'i:ori-F1ary1 <.a-rar'o-10-erect-rr~t:-l-la,,-s:raii9iii--fromZiT-to-6T- hi gh for a di~tance of 30' and to obs 0 1 front yd at 13737 & 13741 Pine ~ee31es Dr Zone R-1-6. Conditiori. C:14118. 2-8-77..-.-~-----------------------------~- <----------------------------------------------......-.......--......-...,_----......---....,--..,_.....- .. ----..- ---.... --.......... "--- .. "'-- ~ ~....-.. ,-.., -.., - ---...--- - --.-- ----- - ,.------.----- - , -----.....-- ----. -.. - "....-.