Del Mar Heights Block 24 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 24 CARD 1.tif Lot 16- AGREEMENT to Edward & Alice Withers tg constr single fam dwell with bar sink in fam room on upper level, at 13751 Mercado, Zone R-J-6. 6-30-76 ~ ({AGREE #2173-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- AGREEMENT to Brown Smith to construct a 2nd story addn with a darkrm sink at 13744 Boquita Drive, Zone R-1-6 AGREE# 2209 9-24-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Permit to CITY OF SAN DIEGO, at southwest corner of Del Mar Heights and Boquita Drive was NOT NEEDED. Zone R-1-6. C-17172 Lot 20- Permit APPROVED by A2A to THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO to develop lot containing approximately 5,143 sq. ft. with a single-family dwelling where minimum lot size required is 6,000 sq. ft., at the southeast corner of Del Mar Heights Road and Mercado Drive, Zone R-1-6. Conditions. C-17168 NH 3-20-81 Lot 8- Permit DENIED by ZA to BETTY ARNER to maintain a second floor bedroom addition to an existing single-family dwelling with outside stairs observing a I 1-811 interior side yard on the north side where 5'-0" is required, located at 13724 Boquita Drive, Zone R-1-6. C-18075 6-24-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED, UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA AND ADOPTED FINDINGS OF FACT. 10-24-83