Del Cerro Unit#6 Card 1
DEL CERRO UNIT#6 CARD 1.tif Card# DEL CERRO UNIT NO. 6-Lot 395- Permit to The Vinley Corp. to const 10' x ~ sign at NW cor Madra Ave at------------~l_C~tr2_a!yg&_S:!&_Qt_QO~-~~~r&______________ C~~_NQ&_7l~-----~=W:52__ Lot 395- Permit to Shell Oil Co., to const service station on leased parcel without erect req 4 1 to 5' hi fence separation from adjoining properties; to erect one 6 1 x 6 1 interior-lighted plastic pylon sign mounted on roof of service station; top of sign to be 23' above ground; to erect 2 floodlight poles obsv 2' SB from Madra Ave, where 12' SB is estab on both sts; RC-lA Zone, where sign attach to face of bldg & 4 1- 5' hi fence separation from adj prop is req; at NW cor of Del Cerro Blvd & Medra Ave; Condl._______________________ __________________________ case_No._534o_&_5339_____!?:!~:?___ Lot 362- Permit to constr a sing faro dwell encr 12' into req 20' rear yd, at 6302____________ RockhurstL_Zone_R-l-2,________________ Case_No._7499____________ 12-10-62____ Lot 360- Z.A. considered the app of Robert C. & Nerdia Packer to erect approx 60 of 6 high redwood fence, obs 0 1 SB on Rockhurst Ct. where a 3 1 high fence is perm in estab 10 1 SB at 6320 Rockhurst Dr., NE cor Rockhurst Dr. & Rockhurst ct., Zone R-1-5 and baa DENIED the requested 61 high fence, but APPROVED 5' high fence obs 0 1 SB. Case No. 8413 N.H. 10-27-67--------------------------------------Ccrt"s 39l-4oo- Permit DENIED Professional Services, Donald Byrnes, owner & George Garrity, lessee to (1) erect one 6'-5" x 12'-5" freestanding ID sign with 3'-3" x 3'-8" clock on top for overall ht of 29' where wall signs only are perm; (2) sign obs O' setback from Del Cerro Blvd. where 12 1 setback is estab & where signs are not perm in req 10' landscape strip, at 6359 Del Cerro Blvd betw Hadra & Harne Aves. Zone CN c- 12944. 1-6-75