Del Cerro Unit# 9 Card 1
DEL CERRO UNIT# 9 CARD 1.tif DEL CERRO UNIT #9 (W ~~ ~/}_, S 2 L (c,- I) '-i i CARD#l Lots 513, 514 & 515- Permit to Vinley Corp. & Morty Zlotoff to shift lot lines "\ according to survey on file, Del Cerro Blvd betw Breton Way c,-\___________________.----~ RQ~khurst_1n: .__R-l_____________ Q~se #1291__________ 8-15-58___ Lot 513- Permit to John & Garnet Sandu DENIED to const 2611 fiberglass add on top of exist 5 ft. fence, making fence 8 ft. high above grd level at Ely prop line & obsv setback (6 1 hi fence perm) 6o84 Del Cerro Blvd, R-1 Zone. Case #2672 7-29-59 Lot 518- Exe Ely 3,64 1 Royal Manor Homes to adjust lot line at 6o20 Del Cerro Blvd------------~New_application_AMENDED_&_TABLED_l2-2-59)_______ case #2896_____ 10-30-59___ Lot 630- Permit to Thomas M. & Helen w. Kelly to maintain & complete const 5' hi stone & wood fence obsv 3' SB on Malvern Ct & Del Cerro Blvd (12' SB on Malvern Ct & 15' SB on Del Cerro Blvd req) 5701 Malvern Ct, NE cor, R-1; Condl._____________________________________________________ case #3835_________ 2-24-61_________ Lot 582- Permit to Chas. W. & Venice L. Lane to. maintain exist wall in SB on Malvern Ct, wall partially retaining & partially free-standing, overall height 37" to 54", 5845 Malvern Ct, NEly corn, R-1. N.H. (3' hi fence perm in SB) Case #3954 3-15-61 Lot 604- AGREEMERT#l348 to R, Reaves & Carolyn B. Elledge, Jr. to install bar sink 5761 Breton Way 11/9/64 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------