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Del Cerro Unit# 8 Card 1

DEL CERRO UNIT# 8 CARD 1.tif:tl I DEL CERRO UNIT NO. 8 Lot 512- Permit to S.D. Unified School Dist. to constr elementary school on Lamda Dr & Del Cerro Blvd betw Vinley Pl & Theta Pl, Zone R-1. Case No. 1589 1-10-58 tt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 463- Permit to Richard J. & Barbara A. Parsons to constr family rm & bedrm & patio addn to exist single fam res; addn to obs 18' rear yd (20' req); 5773 Theta Pl, Zone R-1. Case No. 4425 (N.H.) 9-22-61---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 464- Permit to William D, & Dolores E. Marleau to constr 15' x 18' (270 sq. ft.) fam room addn!lto sin fam dwell on lot; addn to obs 13 1 411 rear yard wnere 20' is req at 5767 Theta Pl betw Del CerrQ Blvd and Lambda Dr. Zone R-1-5, C-9736 3-4-70:r,;;t-467-:-p;;;i't~~~;;t-E.-& Joyce-Zampese-to-constr.-469-sq.-ft.-dining and-bedroom- add. to exist. sin. fam. dewll. add, to obs. a 61 311 rear yard lilhere 20' is req. A~749 Theta Pl. betwn. Lambda Dr. and Del Cerro Blvd., Zone R-1-5 C-11831-- 3-21-73 Lot 506- Permit to Martin Ruch, Jr. and Linnea E. Ruch to const a 2-story hobby and family room addn to an exs sfd. Addn to obs a 17' rear yard at 6225 Del Cerro Blvd. Zone R-1-5, Conditions. C-15220 NH. 6-9-78. Lot 511-_ A~~r'(~~~J B~pti~t' c'h~r~tl~s 76f1~~e-Pacific-Southwest, Owners; and Temple-Emanu-EI, Purchaser;to (1) continue use of property for church and classrooms; and (2) add classrooms, cover exs patios and enlarge sanctuary. 6299 Capri Drive. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-15324. 8-23-78.--.---------..--.,-------------------------------------------------------------