Del Cerro Terrace #1 Card 2
DEL CERRO TERRACE #1 CARD 2.tif DEL CERRO TER.rl.ACE UNIT NO. l (<. "';I'.::.,~,. ~,. ~5 7. 3,~ I 7 ({q@CARD # Lot 63- Permit to Philip W. & Bernice~. i~~ to maintain and obtain bldg permit for exist avera.. e Ji' high ret wall obs 0 1 SB on Calle Empinada, where max J' hii.h wall is perm in estab 12' SB; at 6116 Calle Empinada, oetw Camino Estrellado & Ridge Manor Ave., Zone R-1-5. Case ho. 8722 N.H. o-5-68---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 34-Permit to George Pascnal to erect 5' masonry block wall encro 7' into req 12' SB on Camino Estrellado and to erect a 5' nign masonry wall above 2' ni ret wall, result in 7' ni solid wall encro 7' into req 12' SB adj to Navajo Rd at 6866 Camino Estrellado at tne SE cor of its intersect witn Navajo Rd, being;, in_ Zone R-1-5.has DENIED the appl as requested, but APPROVED tne erect of a 5' bi masonry blk wall encro 6' into req 12' SB on Camino Estrellado & APPROVED tne ePect of 5' mason wall above 2' hi ret wall, result in 7' hi solid wall encro 7' into req 12' SB adj to Navajo Rd. c-8782 1-24-68 Lot 30- Permit to Rod Hurley to erect & main for period of 2 yrs, one 4 1 x 8 1 x 12' hi direct iona I sign adv "De I Cerro Hts" obs O' SB on both s ts where 15' es tab on Cami no Estrellade & 12' estab on Navajo Rd. DENIED as requested but APPROVED 8 sq. ft. dir. sign aax gt 7' w/min clearance of 6 1 betwntbottom of sign & ground for per of I yr, 6006 Camino Largo, Zone R-1-5, cond'J. ~--:-~--4 /-/-74' r;;.-/~- 77) c-13390 12-22-75-----,/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------