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Development Services

Davidson- Miller Tract Card 2

DAVIDSON- MILLER TRACT CARD 2.tif DAVIDSON-MILLER TRACT Case No. 6573- To dev customer parking area in conjunction w/new auto sales & service; to observe 10' setback from Milton & Denver Sta, where a 15' setback is estab, Lots 4 thru 9, R-1-5 Zone; Case No. 6574- To dev employee parking area to be used in conjunction w/new auto sales & service immed across Denver St; observing 10' setback from Denver & Milton Sta, where a 15' setback is estab, Lot 10 thru 16, R-1-5 Zone; RE: ZONE VARIANCE- case No. 6570 Application No. 23542 ZONE VARIAKCE- Case No. 6571 Application No. 23543 ZONE VARIANCE- Cue l'Jo. 6572 Application No. 23546 SETBACK SUSPEifSION- Case No. 6573 Application No. 23544 SETBACK SUSPENSION- Case No. 6574 Application No. 23545 7-10-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Case No. 6570 APPEALED and APPEAL GRANTED- Decision of Z.A. overruled & appellant (City Chevrolet) appeal sustained, w/conditions. 6 mos ext to expire 8-27-65- 3-16-65 Case No. 6570 8-27-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 4- 16 incl.- Z.A. considered the amended application of City Chevrolet to dev lots for outdoor storage & display of new unregistered motor vehicles & to provide off-street parking for employees in connection w/new car dealership adj (where single fam res & accessory uses only are perm) on both sides of Denver St betw Milton & Mayo Sta, Zone R-1-5, & has POSTPONED any decision on the req use of Lots 10- 16 incl, on the east side of Denver St until a determination is made on the req (filed 4-20-67) for closure of Denver St; but APPROVED the req use of Lots 4- 9 incl, on west side of Denver St, contiguous to City Chevrolet DealershiI> ybich:J,t shall serve J Condl. C. U.P. Case No. 8087 4-25-67 See L8.Ilelscape.l"lle L- jb3 a