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Development Services

Darnall Card 1

DARNALL CARD 1.tif--~-.I!"#.......,.- CARD #1 Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by ZA to TREETOPS UNLIMITED, to erect approximately 50' of solid block retaining wall ranging in height from 5'-411 to 12 1, observing a 0' interior side yard where a maximum 6 1 high retaining wall is permitted in the required 4 1 interior side yard, at north of Hughes Street between 58th Street and Audrey Lane, Zone R-3. Conditions, C-17960 NH 3-9-83 Lots 3 and 4- Permit APPROVED by ZA to TREETOPS UNLIMITED to develop Lot 3 with condo- minium buildings; access to required parking with common driveway across Lots 3 and 4 where access to required parking must be on same lot, located at 5985 and 5995 Dandridge Lane, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-18139 8-19-83