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Development Services

Cullen's Westland Terrace Block 3 Card1

CULLEN'S WESTLAND TERRACE BLOCK 3 CARD1.tif CULLEN'S ,;ESTLAND TERRACE ~ I (j)"Z, S 2..0M_,OCK1? 3 / Card Ill ti/II \. Lot 3- Permit to J. A. and Florence B. Strawn to move a 10 1 2 11xl6 1 stucco gar, from 1 8 Wilson to 22 Commonwealth. HI-', Res. 131 1- 0- 8 Lot- Permit to Sherman C. Sbhultz to divide into 4 parcels, & bld. duplex on t-:ly 75 1 & sing Zam dwelling on ea af the 3 remaining, at NE cor of Commonwealth & Ivy Sts., Cond'l. Res. 5560 5-31-51 Lot 9- Permit to D. N.--weeney to move frame res and attch garage from. 275l Frontier to Pentuckett Street HM l: 8-2- 2 Lot 1- Permit to Myrtle Harris to const 2nd res at 2280?entuckett Ave., the exist. res haifing 7 16 11 rear yd, the 2nd res to observe all yd req., R-2. Case No.. 762 9-17-56 =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 14 ~ AGREEMENT with Walter and Gail Konopka to construct 630 sq. ft. addition to a single-family residence with full bath and outside access at 2262 Pentuckett Avenue Rl-5000. Agree. #3560 10/6/86----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Permit to Allen & Galina Bailey to construct a two-story addition to an existing nonconforming, single-family dwelling where such enlarge- ment is permitted by variance only at 2270 Pentucket Ave, Rl-5000. C-19764 DENIED as request, ed but Approved a one-story additon to an existing nonconforming single- familr_dwelling_subject_to_cond.___________________________________________