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Development Services

Crown Point Card 2

CROWN POINT CARD 2.tif CRCMN POINT <..:> Lot 468- Permit to Stephen & Sharon Suttles to (l) const a second dwell ober exist gar, dwelling to obs 31 611 street side,rd, where 101 is req (existing dwell & gar now obs 31 611 sideyard); (2) provide one addn11 parking space obs 31 611 street sideyrd, where no parking is perm in req 101 street sideyrd; at 1676 Moorland Drive betwn Yosemite and Jewell Sts, Zone R-2A. C-12,183 9-14-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 462- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Dewitt and Margaret Graybill to construct an apart- ment over an existing garage (on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling), observing a 6 1 rear yard where a 15 1 rear yard is required, at 1612 Moorland Drive, Zone R-2A. Conditions. CASE 16551 1-22-80 Lot 434- Permit considered by ZA to SCOTT KEMPER to construct a 2-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to (l) contain a garage, bedroom, bathroom, sitting room and a dressing room (guest house) and (2) to observe an 8 1 (existing street side yard setback with a second story balcony to observe 5' where 10' is required), at 3334 Buena Vista Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED AS REQUESTED. ZA has DENIED a second story balcony to observe a 5' street side yard, but has APPROVED the guest house and garage addition to observe an 8 1 street side yard setback. Conditions. CUP 17153 3-20-81